Nature & Outdoor Coaching
If winter comes
can spring be far behind?
We have known for some time that nature is very valuable for our well-being. But we just started to realize how beneficial it is to take coaching conversations outdoors.
Walking (together) in nature is relaxing and liberating for body and mind. A green break in which the body can also participate. Nature coaching (also called walking coaching or outdoor coaching) is more than just talking and walking in nature. Nature can act as a mirror and is an excellent means of connecting us with our inner landscape. By using symbols and metaphors it is easier to look at our lives from a distance and to let unconscious layers surface. Short systemic constellations or a voice dialogue exercise can also be done in nature, making use of the natural elements that surround us.
Nature coaching is very suitable for issues surrounding stress, uncertainty and burnout**, but also for topics such as career, relationships, meaning and life course.
Nature coaching is often part of a Seeds of Happiness coaching program, but sessions can also be booked separately:
Career walk - stress walk - life course walk - relationship walk
This walk of approximately 3 hours starts and ends at the European School in The Hague and leads through the protected nature reserve Westduinpark, through the dunes and along the beach. The varied landscape invites you to explore the chosen issue from different perspectives. A gift for body and mind!

Theme Day: outdoor coaching & Voice Dialogue combined
Would you like to take more time to research a topic that is important to you? A long walk can be perfectly combined with a Voice Dialogue session for in-depth experience. The walk is planned in the morning (approximately 2.5 hours) as a kick-off. In the afternoon - after a long break - the deeper (energetic) layers are discussed during a Voice Dialogue session of approximately 2.5 hours.
In practice, this turns out to be a very powerful combination.
A whole day of hiking is also possible!

* A van de Berg, Walk it off! The effectiveness of walk and talk coaching in nature for individuals with burnout- and stress-related complaints.