Outer Journey (career coaching)


What do I want with my life? What is my mission?

The Outer Journey is the best preparation for a career switch, search for a new job, volunteer work or y.our own business. Core talents, core values, challenges, archetypes and mission are part of your personal vision. You will go home with a concrete plan for the next 5-10 years.


If you don't design your own life plan, you'll fall into someone else's plan



A mission that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning

Do you know what people regret at the end of their lives?
Number 1 is: 'I haven't lived the life I actually wanted to live.'


Whose goals are you actually chasing?
If those aren't your own authentic goals, it could lead to dissatisfaction in the now and regret at the end of your life. Or worse: emptiness, illness or burnout.

In the 21st century, no one should regret the end of their life. With a little help it is for us all possible to clarify what we most want to achieve in this life, make a plan how to get there and then take the first steps on this path. It is the path to a truly satisfying life.


How the Outer Journey is organized

The Outer Journey is a 3 month tailor-made program, including 6 individual sessions of 90 minutes.
If you don't have a clear idea of your passion and calling, it's almost impossible to promote yourself to the right niche, company or audience. That is why during this Outer Journey we will create a personal vision in which your life mission, motto, core values, core talents and challenges form the blueprint for a Master Plan of your best life. A personality analysis is also part of the process. Work is an important part of this plan, but certainly not the only one.


We'll focus on the next 5-10 years so that you can allow yourself to dream big. Most people overestimate what they can achieve in 1 year, but underestimate what you can achieve in 10 years if you systematically work on a clear plan. A growth plan helps you map out how to bridge the gap from the present to this ideal life. And then you can set off to realize the plan and we'll make sure you build a network around you that will  support you and help you succeed.


- knowing what you want instead of what you don't want

- self enrichment, reinvention

- analysis of your personality style / preferred style (MBTI and/or DISC)
- personal vision (core talents, values, mission, audacious goals, pitfalls, growth plan)

- a (mobile? intercultural?) plan for the next  5-10 years that points you the way to your dream future

- optional: archetypes, calling


Investment: 1200€ (individuals) / 1650€ (corporate)**. Prices are exclusive of VAT.
** How to finance your coaching?
- For employees: Many companies cover coaching in their development or training budget. Ask your manager, the HR department or look for the conditions in your collective labor agreement online. 

- For expat partners: offering financial assistance has become commonplace in many (international) companies. Ask for a coaching proposal you can send to HRM of your (husbands) company. 

- For entrepreneurs in The Netherlands: you can deduct the cost of coaching as a business expense. 



Start to live the life you were born to live, equipped with special talents

and sharing the life lessons only you had. Chase your own true goals.